I’m sure I’m not the first to bring this to your attention today. But in case you’ve been under a rock for the past 12 hours, here’s some news to spice up your Friday… President Donald Trump tweeted early Friday morning that he and first lady Melania have tested positive for COVID-19.
This comes just days after his debate with Former VP Joe Biden.
Trump-COVID News Stuns
Besides the political impact the Trump-COVID news has had, there was also a major move down in the futures market. Investors are starting to voice concerns about what this news might mean for the economy in the days and weeks ahead.
For those of you that follow the ever-changing news cycle you know Trump has sent mixed signals on whether or not certain pandemic precautions are in fact necessary. While he carries his protective mask with him, he is not often seen with it on. This sends a political message to his followers that masks are unnecessary, whether that’s his intention or not.
The health and well-being of citizens should not be politicized. Yet as you know, we live in the time of cable news, where everything politicized.
Many of you follow the stock market closely and, as you’ve seen today, the Trump-COVID news has created volatility. This is sad news because the NASDAQ had been having a pretty good week, building momentum just to hit a brick wall by Friday morning.
And just when the Nasdaq was having a good week, building momentum before hitting a brick wall Friday.
As the stock market and U.S. in general take a step back, we need to look ahead… We need to prepare for what will happen in the upcoming weeks.
Join me below as I bring you my weekly wrap-up. I have more to say on the Trump-COVID news and the different ways it will affect the stock market
But never fear! If you’re sick of this topic already, we’ll also go over other highlights from the week. This includes discussions on oil and the work-from-home economy.
Guys, I’m onto something big here, and I want to let you in before it takes off…
I’ve been noticing some serious windfalls with this “Three Day Profit Plan” strategy…
I’m talking about turning winners like $3,000 to $7,920 on OSTK… $5,000 to $16,700 on VXRT… and $4,000 to $27,160 on WKHS in less than 30 days!
I’m warning all my closest friends not to miss this — and I don’t want you to either!
Cash in on These Potential Profits