This Set My Alarm Bells Off!

by | Jun 12, 2020 | Trade Ideas, Weekly Updates

A lot of my fellow traders haven’t known what their next move was going to be over the last month. I get it… I like to look for the sure thing and lately I’ve been taking my time.

Once I started seeing the worst stocks of 2020 leading the pack, alarm bells started going off telling me to pay attention. That’s usually a sign that a rally will be short-lived, which is why I’ve been bearish the last few weeks.

Today, I have the privilege to join the DTI Trader’s Roundtable where I’m diving deeper into my thoughts on how best to act in this market and sharing what my plans are for the upcoming weeks so we can be prepared. 

I’m joined by my fellow traders who are sharing their views on these topics and many more, giving you the vital information you need to profit in this market.



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